February 2021

One in the eye is worth a thousand in the ear

"One in the eye is worth a thousand in the ear"

Yes, we've all heard that hoary old chestnut. But data suggests that more and more proposals are including eye candy

CleanShot 2021-03-07 at 12.38.27@2x

Source; Proposify

Now there may be a number of reasons for this.
  • Proposers are becoming better at breaking up walls of text with graphics
  • Prospects are imposing word limits and so proposals include graphics to convey complex ideas
  • Firms know that few people will actually read the proposal anyway, so they add in eye candy to get key messages across

The learning point may be that for regularly requested content (like values, organisation chart, risk management frameworks, key processes etc) consider investing in re-usable graphics to both reinforce the brand and get across consistent messaging.